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Wellness discovery
Sample Wellness discovery report

- Sleep quality
- Fatigue Status
- Response to Stress
- Relationships
- Endurance Status
- Morning or evening preference
- Alcohol Abuse
- Weight Managment
Sleep quality
Result: you tend to sleep better
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
Timing. Most animals has the circadian clock based on light day cycle. It helps to coordinate biology with behavior. At a genetic level, there are many genes involved in this regulation 1 2. Circadian rhythm has many components, most notable that during the sleep our body produces melatonin, which promotes sleep and drop in the core body temperature. Mutations in the genes PER2, PER3, CK1δ, CRY2. Some of these mutations are causing advanced sleep phase disorder. People with this condition are going to bad very early and rise also very early.
Length. While it is true that most of the people sleep normal hours (8.06 hours on average), natural short-sleepers enjoy much shorter lengths of the sleep (6.25 hours) without significant downside on the quality of the sleep 3. Mutations in DEC2 and ADCC9 are affecting the sleep length, with former playing a most important role in this process. There are also other mutations (in several ion shannels, like ABCC9) which might play role as they do in the mammalians, however, their role in humans is still not yet confirmed.
Electroencephalogram characteristics. Several characteristics of EEG may reflect effectiveness and quality of the sleep. Mutations in BDNF, DEC2, A2A, PER3.

Your SPN's Interpretation
98.5% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
90.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
66.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
54.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Fatigue Status
Result: you tend to do worse in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be below average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 4, interpersonal trust 5, social learning 6, parental care 7, fear conditioning 8 and pair-bond formation 9 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 10, enhances the reward for their partner 11 and enhances the infant-parent relations 12. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
90.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
32.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
85.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Response to Stress
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 13, interpersonal trust 14, social learning 15, parental care 16, fear conditioning 17 and pair-bond formation 18 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 19, enhances the reward for their partner 20 and enhances the infant-parent relations 21. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
43.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
21.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
81.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Better behavioral performance under stress
Better behavioral performance under stress (R)
38.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
38.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
25.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
79.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 22, interpersonal trust 23, social learning 24, parental care 25, fear conditioning 26 and pair-bond formation 27 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 28, enhances the reward for their partner 29 and enhances the infant-parent relations 30. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
More likely to be in a romantic relationship
More likely to be in a romantic relationship (R)
31.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
63.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.5% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
34.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
38.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Endurance Status
Result: you tend to do worse in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be below average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 31, interpersonal trust 32, social learning 33, parental care 34, fear conditioning 35 and pair-bond formation 36 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 37, enhances the reward for their partner 38 and enhances the infant-parent relations 39. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
54.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
18.3% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
38.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet (R)
76.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet (R)
59.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
23.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
56.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Morning or evening preference
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 40, interpersonal trust 41, social learning 42, parental care 43, fear conditioning 44 and pair-bond formation 45 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 46, enhances the reward for their partner 47 and enhances the infant-parent relations 48. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
36.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
32.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
83.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
2.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
88.3% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Alcohol Abuse
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 49, interpersonal trust 50, social learning 51, parental care 52, fear conditioning 53 and pair-bond formation 54 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 55, enhances the reward for their partner 56 and enhances the infant-parent relations 57. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
Responds better to treatment for alcohol abuse
Responds better to treatment for alcohol abuse (R)
20.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
27.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
16.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Decreased susceptibility to alcohol dependence
Decreased susceptibility to alcohol dependence (R)
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Weight Managment
Your SPN's Interpretation
81.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
34.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
5.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
36.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Increased waist circumference and increased BMI
Increased waist circumference and increased BMI (R)
96.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
18.3% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
51.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
35.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
54.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
30.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
48.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
33.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
99.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
79.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
69.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
76.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Nutrition specifics
Sample Nutrition specifics report

- Sleep quality
- Fatigue Status
- Response to Stress
- Relationships
- Endurance Status
- Morning or evening preference
- Alcohol Abuse
- Weight Managment
Sleep quality
Result: you tend to sleep better
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
Timing. Most animals has the circadian clock based on light day cycle. It helps to coordinate biology with behavior. At a genetic level, there are many genes involved in this regulation 1 2. Circadian rhythm has many components, most notable that during the sleep our body produces melatonin, which promotes sleep and drop in the core body temperature. Mutations in the genes PER2, PER3, CK1δ, CRY2. Some of these mutations are causing advanced sleep phase disorder. People with this condition are going to bad very early and rise also very early.
Length. While it is true that most of the people sleep normal hours (8.06 hours on average), natural short-sleepers enjoy much shorter lengths of the sleep (6.25 hours) without significant downside on the quality of the sleep 3. Mutations in DEC2 and ADCC9 are affecting the sleep length, with former playing a most important role in this process. There are also other mutations (in several ion shannels, like ABCC9) which might play role as they do in the mammalians, however, their role in humans is still not yet confirmed.
Electroencephalogram characteristics. Several characteristics of EEG may reflect effectiveness and quality of the sleep. Mutations in BDNF, DEC2, A2A, PER3.

Your SPN's Interpretation
98.5% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
90.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
66.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
54.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Fatigue Status
Result: you tend to do worse in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be below average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 4, interpersonal trust 5, social learning 6, parental care 7, fear conditioning 8 and pair-bond formation 9 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 10, enhances the reward for their partner 11 and enhances the infant-parent relations 12. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
90.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
32.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
85.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Response to Stress
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 13, interpersonal trust 14, social learning 15, parental care 16, fear conditioning 17 and pair-bond formation 18 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 19, enhances the reward for their partner 20 and enhances the infant-parent relations 21. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
43.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
21.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
81.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Better behavioral performance under stress
Better behavioral performance under stress (R)
38.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
38.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
25.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
79.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 22, interpersonal trust 23, social learning 24, parental care 25, fear conditioning 26 and pair-bond formation 27 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 28, enhances the reward for their partner 29 and enhances the infant-parent relations 30. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
More likely to be in a romantic relationship
More likely to be in a romantic relationship (R)
31.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
63.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.5% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
34.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
38.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Endurance Status
Result: you tend to do worse in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be below average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 31, interpersonal trust 32, social learning 33, parental care 34, fear conditioning 35 and pair-bond formation 36 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 37, enhances the reward for their partner 38 and enhances the infant-parent relations 39. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
54.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
18.3% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
38.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet (R)
76.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet (R)
59.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
23.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
56.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Morning or evening preference
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 40, interpersonal trust 41, social learning 42, parental care 43, fear conditioning 44 and pair-bond formation 45 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 46, enhances the reward for their partner 47 and enhances the infant-parent relations 48. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
36.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
32.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
83.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
2.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
88.3% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Alcohol Abuse
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 49, interpersonal trust 50, social learning 51, parental care 52, fear conditioning 53 and pair-bond formation 54 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 55, enhances the reward for their partner 56 and enhances the infant-parent relations 57. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
Responds better to treatment for alcohol abuse
Responds better to treatment for alcohol abuse (R)
20.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
27.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
16.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Decreased susceptibility to alcohol dependence
Decreased susceptibility to alcohol dependence (R)
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Weight Managment
Your SPN's Interpretation
81.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
34.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
5.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
36.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Increased waist circumference and increased BMI
Increased waist circumference and increased BMI (R)
96.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
18.3% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
51.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
35.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
54.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
30.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
48.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
33.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
99.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
79.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
69.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
76.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Fitness aptitude
Sample Fitness aptitude report

- Sleep quality
- Fatigue Status
- Response to Stress
- Relationships
- Endurance Status
- Morning or evening preference
- Alcohol Abuse
- Weight Managment
Sleep quality
Result: you tend to sleep better
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
Timing. Most animals has the circadian clock based on light day cycle. It helps to coordinate biology with behavior. At a genetic level, there are many genes involved in this regulation 1 2. Circadian rhythm has many components, most notable that during the sleep our body produces melatonin, which promotes sleep and drop in the core body temperature. Mutations in the genes PER2, PER3, CK1δ, CRY2. Some of these mutations are causing advanced sleep phase disorder. People with this condition are going to bad very early and rise also very early.
Length. While it is true that most of the people sleep normal hours (8.06 hours on average), natural short-sleepers enjoy much shorter lengths of the sleep (6.25 hours) without significant downside on the quality of the sleep 3. Mutations in DEC2 and ADCC9 are affecting the sleep length, with former playing a most important role in this process. There are also other mutations (in several ion shannels, like ABCC9) which might play role as they do in the mammalians, however, their role in humans is still not yet confirmed.
Electroencephalogram characteristics. Several characteristics of EEG may reflect effectiveness and quality of the sleep. Mutations in BDNF, DEC2, A2A, PER3.

Your SPN's Interpretation
98.5% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
90.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
66.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
54.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Fatigue Status
Result: you tend to do worse in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be below average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 4, interpersonal trust 5, social learning 6, parental care 7, fear conditioning 8 and pair-bond formation 9 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 10, enhances the reward for their partner 11 and enhances the infant-parent relations 12. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
90.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
32.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
85.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Response to Stress
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 13, interpersonal trust 14, social learning 15, parental care 16, fear conditioning 17 and pair-bond formation 18 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 19, enhances the reward for their partner 20 and enhances the infant-parent relations 21. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
43.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
21.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
81.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Better behavioral performance under stress
Better behavioral performance under stress (R)
38.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
38.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
25.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
79.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 22, interpersonal trust 23, social learning 24, parental care 25, fear conditioning 26 and pair-bond formation 27 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 28, enhances the reward for their partner 29 and enhances the infant-parent relations 30. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
More likely to be in a romantic relationship
More likely to be in a romantic relationship (R)
31.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
63.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.5% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
34.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
38.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Endurance Status
Result: you tend to do worse in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be below average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 31, interpersonal trust 32, social learning 33, parental care 34, fear conditioning 35 and pair-bond formation 36 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 37, enhances the reward for their partner 38 and enhances the infant-parent relations 39. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
54.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
18.3% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
38.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet (R)
76.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet (R)
59.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
23.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
56.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Morning or evening preference
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 40, interpersonal trust 41, social learning 42, parental care 43, fear conditioning 44 and pair-bond formation 45 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 46, enhances the reward for their partner 47 and enhances the infant-parent relations 48. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
36.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
32.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
83.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
2.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
88.3% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Alcohol Abuse
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 49, interpersonal trust 50, social learning 51, parental care 52, fear conditioning 53 and pair-bond formation 54 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 55, enhances the reward for their partner 56 and enhances the infant-parent relations 57. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
Responds better to treatment for alcohol abuse
Responds better to treatment for alcohol abuse (R)
20.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
27.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
16.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Decreased susceptibility to alcohol dependence
Decreased susceptibility to alcohol dependence (R)
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Weight Managment
Your SPN's Interpretation
81.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
34.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
5.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
36.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Increased waist circumference and increased BMI
Increased waist circumference and increased BMI (R)
96.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
18.3% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
51.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
35.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
54.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
30.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
48.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
33.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
99.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
79.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
69.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
76.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Longevity insights
Sample Longevity insights report

- Sleep quality
- Fatigue Status
- Response to Stress
- Relationships
- Endurance Status
- Morning or evening preference
- Alcohol Abuse
- Weight Managment
Sleep quality
Result: you tend to sleep better
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
Timing. Most animals has the circadian clock based on light day cycle. It helps to coordinate biology with behavior. At a genetic level, there are many genes involved in this regulation 1 2. Circadian rhythm has many components, most notable that during the sleep our body produces melatonin, which promotes sleep and drop in the core body temperature. Mutations in the genes PER2, PER3, CK1δ, CRY2. Some of these mutations are causing advanced sleep phase disorder. People with this condition are going to bad very early and rise also very early.
Length. While it is true that most of the people sleep normal hours (8.06 hours on average), natural short-sleepers enjoy much shorter lengths of the sleep (6.25 hours) without significant downside on the quality of the sleep 3. Mutations in DEC2 and ADCC9 are affecting the sleep length, with former playing a most important role in this process. There are also other mutations (in several ion shannels, like ABCC9) which might play role as they do in the mammalians, however, their role in humans is still not yet confirmed.
Electroencephalogram characteristics. Several characteristics of EEG may reflect effectiveness and quality of the sleep. Mutations in BDNF, DEC2, A2A, PER3.

Your SPN's Interpretation
98.5% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
90.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
66.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
54.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Fatigue Status
Result: you tend to do worse in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be below average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 4, interpersonal trust 5, social learning 6, parental care 7, fear conditioning 8 and pair-bond formation 9 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 10, enhances the reward for their partner 11 and enhances the infant-parent relations 12. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
90.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
32.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
85.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Response to Stress
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 13, interpersonal trust 14, social learning 15, parental care 16, fear conditioning 17 and pair-bond formation 18 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 19, enhances the reward for their partner 20 and enhances the infant-parent relations 21. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
43.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
21.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
81.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Better behavioral performance under stress
Better behavioral performance under stress (R)
38.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
38.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
25.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
79.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 22, interpersonal trust 23, social learning 24, parental care 25, fear conditioning 26 and pair-bond formation 27 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 28, enhances the reward for their partner 29 and enhances the infant-parent relations 30. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
More likely to be in a romantic relationship
More likely to be in a romantic relationship (R)
31.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
63.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.5% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
34.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
38.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Endurance Status
Result: you tend to do worse in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be below average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 31, interpersonal trust 32, social learning 33, parental care 34, fear conditioning 35 and pair-bond formation 36 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 37, enhances the reward for their partner 38 and enhances the infant-parent relations 39. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
54.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
18.3% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
38.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet (R)
76.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet
More likely to be an power and sprinter athlet (R)
59.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
23.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
56.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Morning or evening preference
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 40, interpersonal trust 41, social learning 42, parental care 43, fear conditioning 44 and pair-bond formation 45 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 46, enhances the reward for their partner 47 and enhances the infant-parent relations 48. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
36.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
32.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
83.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
2.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
88.3% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Alcohol Abuse
Result: you tend to do better in relationships
It does't mean that your weight will be above average
- 1. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus and it is very important for the social interactions. A great deals of evidence suggest that oxytocin plays a central role in the regulation of social behavior in humans and mammalians. It plays the key role social motivation 49, interpersonal trust 50, social learning 51, parental care 52, fear conditioning 53 and pair-bond formation 54 SNPs in oxytocin are shown to influence the activity of this neuropeptide and were found to affect relationships in the multiple studies. Oxytocin works as a neuromodulator enhancing the identification and recognition of social stimuli 55, enhances the reward for their partner 56 and enhances the infant-parent relations 57. To sum up, generally, oxytocin plays many various positive roles enhancing the social interaction.
- 2. Another factor playing an important role is 5-HT1A receptor, which binds neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in maintaining mood balance (it’s deficit could lead to depression). Whereas 5-HT1A protein could negatively affect relationships, there are SNPs in 5-HT1A receptor, which increase sociability.
- 3. General level of stress and how well you tolerate it is very important to your social activity. It is very hard to build a proper lasting relations when you are overly stressed. There are numerous SNPs which are good predictors for your stress reactions.

Your SPN's Interpretation
Responds better to treatment for alcohol abuse
Responds better to treatment for alcohol abuse (R)
20.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
27.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
16.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Decreased susceptibility to alcohol dependence
Decreased susceptibility to alcohol dependence (R)
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
As you have SNP (link to snp genotype), it is harder for you to feel saity. As a result, it can be recommended that you eat more slowly, eat more often with smaller portions and etc.
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
Weight Managment
Your SPN's Interpretation
81.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
34.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
5.4% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
36.1% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Increased waist circumference and increased BMI
Increased waist circumference and increased BMI (R)
96.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
18.3% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
51.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
39.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
40.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
29.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
35.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
54.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
30.2% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
48.9% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
33.6% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
99.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
79.0% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
69.7% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
76.8% of the populatoin has the some genotype as yours
Results calculation
Your result was determent based on peer reviewed publications, GWAS studies, and our proprietary scoring system, based on system biology and complex bioinformatics. We accounted for the various factors, including that some SNPs have stronger effects than others, some studies require additional verification and currently we put them less importance in our algorithm. Please note that SNPs from other reports might also affect your weight status.
It is important to keep in mind
We analyzed only your SNPs and we do not know all the details about your lifestyle, social circle and other factors.
I have made genome test before
Please select the file containing your test to continue. Maximum file size 100 Mb.
I do not have genome test
If you haven't your genome sequenced yet, you need to order the new test.
Genome file is uploaded, your report is ready
Order new genome test
All from home. No blood. No needles. Just a small saliva sample.
1. Order
Your saliva collection kit is the same for both services and typically arrives within 3 to 5 days.
2. Spit
Follow kit instructions to spit in the tube provided — all from home. Register your saliva collection tube using the barcode so we know it belongs to you, and mail it back to our lab in the pre-paid package.
3. Discover
In approximately 6-8 weeks, we will send you an email to let you know your reports are ready in your online account. Log in and start discovering what your DNA says about you.
Genome test: $
Report: $
You pay: $